Reinforcing Southern California with Strong Foundations


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No Project Too Big Or Too Small

PTM Rebar Placing, Inc. is a corporation established in Norco.

Since 2014 we have a sufficient amount of experience with residential, commercial and post-tension projects. We specialize in placing rebar in a variety of ways Including grade beams, footings, slab on grade, walls, decks, caissons and retaining walls.

 We do projects in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties, there is no job that is too big or too small for our team.

Projects are usually handled as follows :

  • Tightly controlled supervision of our projects is essential to the success of our team.
  • Design shop drawings based on blue prints in order to establish the construction methods and procedures needed to meet schedules and deadlines.
  • Thoroughly understand the demands and development goals of each project for our customers.
  • Foresee all possible problems and incitant solutions to prevent any delays.
  • Organize our team to perform quality work without any delays for each project schedule.


 We do it right the first time, to save time and costs.



Never late  or behind, keeping up with project scheduling.



Keeping a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and coworkers is our top priority.